Ukraine Complains About Countries Transactional Relationships With China- Then Trades Soul For Hope. Every Seizure Equal, But Some More Equal Than Others? For Sale: Golan Heights, Taiwan, Kurdistan?

Government Of Ukraine Complains About Countries Transactional Relationships With China- Then Kyiv Transacts With China And Japan.  Every Seizure Is Equal, But Some Are More Equal Than Others?  Up For Sale: Golan Heights, Taiwan, Guantanamo, Northern Ireland? 

Kyiv Traded Its Soul For A Hope And A Prayer
Ukraine’s Soul For Sale- Zelensky Hopes Beijing Is The Buyer

There is an immense amount of sadness in acknowledging the government of Ukraine last week traded a vote of conscience for a hope and a prayer.  Not for a vote, but for hope that its self-interests will align with the self-interests of another government.   

The transaction was an evil, tortured soul of a “Faustian Bargain.”  There was a quid absent a quo with the worst possible transgressor.  

The Government of Ukraine has consistently since 2014 condemned, criticized, deplored, and excoriated those governments- countries and nations, who have responded to the decisions of the Russian Federation relating to Ukraine in a calibrated manner or in a manner disagreeable to the government of Ukraine due to their commercial, economic, military, and political relationships with the Russian Federation.  

The Government of Ukraine has consistently articulated a singular message:  The Russian Federation must abandon all territory of Ukraine- out of the Crimean Peninsula, out of Luhansk, out of Donetsk, out of Kherson, out of every square meter of Ukraine.  Period.  Few disagree.  

Yet, there exist surprising nuances within that message…. If a government is or can be of assistance to the greater goals of the government of Ukraine, then certain territorial transgressions and human rights issues may be overlooked, parsed as to relevance, ignored if that serves again the greater good, goal, purpose.  This is disappointing, but not unexpected. Governments sometimes believe they need to accept a decision that is unpleasant, but believed necessary in pursuit of a goal more important.  

When Volodymyr Zelensky, President of Ukraine, retorts that the Russian Federation shouldReturn what is ours…, that statement seemingly absent interpretation contains exactly that.

“Preachers say, ‘Do as I say, not as I do.’” And “Don’t imitate my behavior but obey my instructions.”  Both statements attributed to John Selden’s Table-Talk published in 1654.  Mr. Selden was an English jurist, scholar of England's ancient laws and constitution, and scholar of Jewish law.   

The government of Ukraine will now be engaged in pretzel-like contortions to reconcile its positions as to whose territory is sacrosanct and whose territory is up for debateMore accurately, whose territory is up for sale. 

With its decision to abstain during a vote by the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) which focused upon human rights and genocide within China, the government of Ukraine showed that it too is transactional about issues focusing upon the behavior of one person towards another- or in this instance the behavior of one government towards one group of people.  The proposed resolution to which the government of Ukraine abstained was proposed by its largest by far benefactor- the government of the United States.     

Was President Zelensky recognizing “facts on the ground”?  Believing the government of China has not (yet) robustly supported the Russian Federation in mitigating the impact of sanctions imposed upon the Russian Federation and the government of Ukraine needs that position to remain in place?  If so, criticising the government of Turkiye and government of India for their continuing engagement with the Russian Federation has just become a bit more challenging for the government of Ukraine and a bit easier to justify for Turkiye and India, as well as, for other countries. 

Based upon the decision by the government of Ukraine to abstain in the vote at the UNHRC, how would the government of Ukraine respond in these six examples?

  • What is the position of the government of Ukraine towards the Golan Heights which is the sovereign territory of Syria, yet has been occupied by the State of Israel since 1967 and de facto annexed since 1981- and recognized as territory of the State of Israel in 2019 by the Trump-Pence Administration (2017-2021)?   

  • What is the position of the government of Ukraine towards Palestine?  Does the government of Ukraine support the two-state solution, oppose settlement construction on the West Bank, concur with the United States government and twenty-seven country member European Union (EU)? 

  • What is the position of the government of Ukraine towards the Guantanamo Naval Base located in the Republic of Cuba where the government of the Republic of Cuba wants the lease terminated and the facility closed?  In 1901, the United States enshrined the lease effectively in perpetuity for an annual payment of US$4,085.00.  Congressional Research Service (CRS): “At the end of the Spanish-American War in 1898, the Spanish colonies of Cuba, Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Philippines transitioned to administration by the United States. Of these four territories, only Cuba quickly became an independent republic. As a condition of relinquishing administration, though, the Cuban government agreed to lease three parcels of land to the United States for use as naval or coaling stations. Naval Station Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, was the sole installation established under that agreement. The two subsequent lease agreements signed in 1903 acknowledged Cuban sovereignty, but granted to the United States “complete jurisdiction and control over” the property so long as it remained occupied.” 

  • What is the position of the government of Ukraine towards Kurdistan?  Does the government of Ukraine support an independent Kurdistan within the territory of Iraq, support the position of Turkiye with respect to both Kurdistan and individuals of Kurdish descent?  

  • What is the position of the government of Ukraine towards Northern Ireland?  A small portion of land on the island of Ireland is governed since 1921 by the government of the United Kingdom (England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland).  The Republic of Ireland wants control of all of its territory.  Should London return to Dublin the 302 mile-long by 171-mile-wide area?   

  • What is the position of the government of Ukraine towards Taiwan?  Should the island remain in its current status or be absorbed fully as part of China?  Will Ukraine recognize Taiwan in the same manner as does the United States? 

“Bloomberg: The United Nations blocked a debate on China’s human rights abuses in Xinjiang in a narrow vote just weeks after publishing a damning report on the topic, in a display of Beijing’s ability to counter US influence on the world stage through alliances in the Global South.  The US-proposed draft resolution at the UN’s Human Rights Council [UNHRC] meeting was rejected Thursday in Geneva, with 19 countries -- including China -- voting against it. Seventeen were in favor, while 11 abstained. Among those backing China -- a powerful permanent Security Council member -- were Muslim-majority nations that have also been benefactors of Beijing’s Belt and Road Initiative, including Pakistan, Kazakhstan, Indonesia, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates.  Those abstaining included India, which has long been silent on Xinjiang issues as it navigates its own tense relationship with Beijing, and Ukraine, whose leader, Volodymyr Zelenskiy, has asked President Xi Jinping for help in the wake of Russia’s invasion, without success.  Last month, the outgoing UN High Commissioner of Human Rights published a damning report accusing Beijing of “serious human rights abuses” in Xinjiang. Detention of Uyghurs and other Muslims, along with a broader campaign of violations in China’s far-west region, may constitute “crimes against humanity,” the UN report found.  Beijing has dismissed allegations of rights abuses, including forced labor, as the “lie of the century,” and conducted tours for international diplomats that emphasized the Alaska-sized region’s political stability and economic transformation. The vote, which needed a simple majority to pass, was the first time the UN council had put a resolution on China’s abuses in Xinjiang to a poll in its 16-year history. Its outcome deals a blow to the credibility of the UN in holding China and other major powers to account on human rights issues. It also underscores the powerful role small economies can play in China’s quest to diminish the influence of US-led blocs such as the Group of Seven by forming counterweight alliances.  The US has sought to rally European and other allies to pressure China over Xinjiang, where the Biden administration accused Beijing of committing “genocide.” Several Western democracies earlier this year boycotted the Beijing Olympics over the issue, and the EU has joined the US in proposing legislation to outlaw goods made with forced labor.  China’s economic clout, however, has proved hard to counter globally, as Beijing rallies developing nations in need of financial support to vote alongside it at critical moments, particularly on sensitive issues such as human rights.” 

To curry favor with the government of Japan, President Zelensky signed a decree recognizing the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Japan, including four islands controlled by the Russian Federation.  The Northern Territories (Habomai, Shikotan, Kunashiri and Etorofu) are identified as the Southern Kurils by the Russian Federation.  The U.S.S.R. captured the islands in 1945 during the last days of World War II.  The government of Japan believes the capture was a violation of the 1941 U.S.S.R.-Japanese Neutrality Pact.  Japan and the U.S.S.R. were not at war until after the surrender of Germany in 1945.  The 1951 Treaty of San Francisco included a provision requiring Japan to terminate its right to the Kuril Islands while not recognizing U.S.S.R. control of the Kuril Islands.  President Zelensky said that the Russian Federation has no right to the Kuril Islands and the Russian Federation must “de-occupy” all the territory it has seized.  The decree signed by President Zelensky requests assistance from the United Nations, European Parliament (EP) to return the Kuril Islands to Japan.  He said, “Russia has no right to these territories.  Everyone in the world knows this well.  And we must finally act.” 

President Zelensky can and should right a wrong- his moral credibility has been tarnished by the vote at the UNHRC; his stature cracked.  There is still time to correct that vote and get some glue to repair the crack.  Unfortunately, the crack itself will remain.


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