Four Years Later, "The 2024 Process" For Venezuela May Have Renewed Interest Given Visit To Caracas By Biden-Harris Administration Officials This Weekend

The United States Congress may vote on legislation to prevent the oil and natural gas providers from sourcing product in the Russian Federation.  If there is a vote, it will likely have the two-thirds required in each chamber to override a veto by United States President Joseph Biden.  The Biden-Harris Administration (2021- ) has a problem in not wanting to take decisions that will exacerbate the price of oil and natural gas for United States consumers- particularly with the mid-term elections eight months from now, but also not wanting to veto legislation that seems so right at the moment.   

One beneficially may be Venezuela- which has the world’s largest oil reserves.  To date, United States companies remain permitted (from Obama-Biden Administration (2009-2017) through Trump-Pence Administration (2017-2021) through Biden-Harris Administration (2021- )) to engage with some assets in Venezuela by licenses issued by the Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) of the United States Department of the Treasury.   

The political question: From where is sourcing oil less foul- from the Russian Federation while it attacks Ukraine or from the Nicolas Maduro-Delcy Rodriguez Administration (2013- ) in Caracas? Bet with Venezuela cutting a deal because it believes the timing is right for a deal as attention by the United States lies elsewhere. There is the C-word that impacts everything Venezuela and that is the Republic of Cuba and Venezuela’s commercial, economic, and political support to the Miguel Diaz-Canel-Valdes Mesa Administration (2019- ).

That representatives of The White House and United States Department of State are in Caracas this weekend is a win for President Maduro. Don’t discount the prospect of a release on humanitarian grounds some or all of the United States nationals imprisoned in Venezuela as a quid pro quo.Other than the Russian Federation, a country with oil and/or natural gas, regardless of its relationship with the United States, has a meaningful moment to extract something of value from the United States.Check out “The 2024 Process” created in 2017 and presented in 2018.

The 2024 Process
(first published 2018; revised)

“2024” May Unlock A Solution For Venezuela
Need For Multilateral Quid Pro Quo
For Cuba- 25/25/25/25
Many Companies Have An Interest In Venezuela
Maduro Isn’t Likely Going Unless Assassinated Or Four Governments Agree
Guaido Fatally Contaminated By Connectivity With Trump Administration
What Is The Realistic “Mission Set”
Adhering To Aspirational & Desired Instead Of Doable
The Process Will Not Be A Moment, It Will Be A Series Of Moments



If Companies Suspend Exports To, Imports From, Services For The Russian Federation… They Should Be Public About That Decision. No Hedging.


Permitting Suffering- A Connection Between President Putin And President Castro. And The Journey Ukrainians Don’t Want To Make.