53 Members Of Congress May Visit Ukraine In August- Like Annual Migration Of Wildebeest. They Want Photographs, Medals, Certificates, Plaques. Travel In VIP Train Carriage. Prized: Air Raid Siren.

Like Annual Migration Of The Wildebeest, Members Of United States Congress Begin CODELS In August 2023.

  • After calving in the southern part of Tanzania's Serengeti near the Ngorongoro Conservation Area, the wildebeest journey in mid-July through the Serengeti up and around in a clockwise direction towards the Masai Mara in Kenya, before returning once again near the end of the year.  The migration typically starts proper with the larger herds of wildebeest starting the move into Masai Mara.  The migration takes place till end of August, before declining into mid-September.”

Fifty-Three Members Of United States Congress May Visit Ukraine In August 2023

16% Of The United States Senate And 2.9% Of The United States House Of Representatives Have Visited Ukraine Since 24 February 2022.

For Many, The Performance Is More Important Than The Substance                                  

Visiting Ukraine Now Shows “Courage”- Like President Biden (Along With President Zelensky), Remaining Outside And Doing Nothing As Air Raid Siren Performance Coincides With Visit To Kyiv. 

2/20/23- Kyiv Air Raid Sirens Should Not Be Theatrical Props- Dangerous For A U.S. Presidential Visit. Overuse Numbs Their Impact In Ukraine And Fosters Doubt Outside Of Ukraine. 

  • Congressional Staff Doing Whatever Possible To Have a Visit Of Their Member Include An Air Raid Siren So They Can Be Photographed Entering A “Bomb Shelter” And Are Orgasmic At Possibility Of Their Member On Location When A Drone Strikes, A Missile Explodes, Someone Dies

2/22/23- Five Republican Members Of United States Congress Visit Kyiv- Not A “Photo Op” Like President Biden Says One…. Really? Brooklyn Bridge For Sale Too? Not Bipartisan Either.

Visiting The State Of Israel Remains Primary CODEL Destination.  Testing Ground For Conformity, Confirming Solidarity, And Genuflecting- And Source Of Campaign Contributions, Despite Behavior Of The Government Of The State Of Israel

Members Of Congress Want Photographs With President Zelensky- And President Zelensky Wants Photographs With Members Of Congress

Members Of Congress Want President Zelensky To Bestow Upon Them A Medal

Members Of Congress Want President Zelensky To Present Them With A Certificate

Members Of Congress Want President Zelensky To Unveil A Plaque Along The “Walk of the Brave” With Their Name Engraved Upon It

Members Of Congress Want To Travel To Kyiv In One Of The VIP Ukrainian Railways Carriages- Complete With Starlink Internet Transponder Affixed To The Roof

  • Appalling For Members Of Congress To Avoid What Impacts Citizens Of Ukraine.  They Should Travel In The Same Trains Used By Citizens Of Ukraine.  How Deprived Members Of Congress Would Be Without A Dining Room And Attendants.  Disgusting.

4/18/23- Who Called Who? After More Than Two Months Trying, Ukraine President Zelensky Speaks With Kevin McCarthy, Speaker Of The House Of Representatives. No Statement By Speaker McCarthy- That’s Instructive

10/19/22- No Ukraine “Blank Check” Politically Sensible Comment. Ukraine Should Embrace It, Stay Out Of U.S. Political Process Through Elections, Lame Duck Session. Focus On US$38 Billion & US$340 Billion

The government of Ukraine, led by its marketing team within the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, has enlisted all of its resources including nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) and policy organizations (Atlantic Council, Council on Foreign Relations, Center for Strategic and International Studies, Wilson Center, etc.) to encourage (and provide funding) for as many members of the United States Congress (435-member House of Representatives and 100-member Senate) as possible to visit Ukraine during the August 2023 recess (31 July 2023 to 5 September 2023).

  • The United States Congress seeks to complete all appropriation legislation by 1 October 2023 when the new fiscal year commences.  The government of Ukraine and the Biden-Harris Administration (2021- ) are seeking substantial multi-year appropriations for Ukraine- tens of billions of dollars which legislators will only obtain by requiring United States taxpayers to borrow more and incur additional debt.  In 2022, the United States Congress appropriated US$113.1 billion in multi-year funding for Ukraine. 

  • Thus far, the 2024 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) includes approximately US$300 million for Ukraine-related expenditures.  The Biden-Harris Administration plans to seek supplemental funding for Ukraine outside of the normal annual budgetary process.  This remain far opposed by Kevin McCarthy (R- California, 20th District), the Speaker of the United States House of Representatives.

Thirty-five (35) offices in the United States House of Representatives and eighteen (18) offices in the United States Senate have confirmed their principal either is planning a visit to Ukraine or is considering a visit to Ukraine.  Some of the members have previously visited Ukraine.

  • Some politicians will not be visiting Ukraine because they support Ukraine- they will be visiting Ukraine because it provides an optic- images, quotes, and videos for campaign commercials, campaign speeches, compensated appearances, and particularly for radio and television appearances.  A moment to look and sound tough on decisions by the armed forces of the Russian Federation.  During each visit there will be, particularly for those seeking the 2024 presidential nomination of the Republican Party, efforts to sound more robust than their competitors.

  • President Zelensky must resist the temptation to present these visitors with certificates, medals, and plaques (with their name inscribed) on the Walk of the Brave.  Instead of names of politicians and celebrities who visit Kyiv, these plaques should only include the names of countries- to recognize their respective taxpayers who have and continue to fund (and borrow) for support provided to Ukraine.

  • President Zelensky continues to be well advised not be look to the playbook of Benjamin Netanyahu, Prime Minister of the State of Israel, who has no issue with inserting himself into the election process in the United States, seeking to undermine one candidate and benefit another candidate.  However, if the armed forces of Ukraine have substantial success by October 2023 against the armed forces of the Russian Federation, then members of the United States Congress who support funding for Ukraine will welcome the presidential insertion believing it will provide support and political cover to seek that additional funding- which will likely be US$20 billion to US$50 billion.  There will also be continued scrutiny about the Biden-Harris Administration using disbursement authorities outside of the annual budgetary process to transfer to Ukraine military equipment from United States inventories.  To date, this has been valued at more than US$10 billion.

He endured an approximately ten-hour journey by train from Poland to Kyiv, the capital, in the same VIP Ukrainian Railways carriage provided to …Piers Morgan, the United Kingdom television personality.  Also used by heads of state and heads of government.

7/28/22- President Zelensky Authorized “Presidential Railway Carriage” For TV Host Piers Morgan. Why Did He Deserve Same Protocol At Eight Presidents? Zelensky Too Focused On Celebrity- Will Regret It.

UPDATE: 21 Republicans, 19 Democrats, 1 Independent Members In Current 118th U.S. Congress Have Visited Ukraine Since 24 February 2022. Meaning? They Have A Vote About Funding For Ukraine.

  • Mr. [Kevin] McCarthy, he has to come here to see how we work, what's happening here, what war caused us, which people are fighting now, who are fighting now.  And then after that, make your assumptions.  I think that Speaker McCarthy, he never visited Kyiv or Ukraine, and I think it would help him with his position.”  Volodymyr Zelensky

  • Let’s be very clear about what I said: no blank checks, OK?  So, from that perspective, I don’t have to go to Ukraine to understand where there’s a blank check or not.  I will continue to get my briefings and others, but I don’t have to go to Ukraine or Kyiv to see it.  And my point has always been, I won’t provide a blank check for anything.”  Kevin McCarthy

Members of the current 118th United States Congress (United States Senate and United States House of Representatives) will need to authorize any new funding (commercial, economic, humanitarian, military, political) for uses relating to Ukraine exceeding the US$113.1 billion appropriated by the 117th United States Congress.

  • On 24 February 2022, the armed forces of the Russian Federation invaded and further invaded the territory of Ukraine in what Vladimir Putin, President of the Russian Federation (2000-2008 and 2012- ), defined as a Special Military Operation [SMO] then on 22 December 2022 he redefined as a war.  The initial invasion by the armed forces of the Russian Federation was in part from the territory of the Republic of Belarus.   

  • The war between the Russian Federation and Ukraine did not commence on 24 February 2022.  The roots began their trajectories on 20 February 2014 when the armed forces of the Russian Federation invaded the Crimean Peninsula and the area known as the Donbas Region (Donetsk Oblast and Luhansk Oblast). 

Within the 118th United States Congress, since 24 February 2022, 16% of the United States Senate have visited Ukraine and 2.9% of the United States House of Representatives have visited Ukraine. Thus, 5.9% of the members of the 118th United States Congress having visited Ukraine since 24 February 2022.

118th United States Congress (3 January 2023 to 3 January 2025)
United States Senate

(100 Members- 48 Democrats, 3 Independents (all caucus with Democrats), 49 Republicans)

Visited Ukraine Since 24 February 2022
Democrat- 7
Independent- 1
Republican- 8

Amy Klobuchar (D- Minnesota)
Angus King (I- Maine)
Christopher Coons (D- Delaware)
Jack Reed (D- Rhode Island)
James Risch (R- Idaho)
John Barrasso (R-Wyoming)
John Cornyn (R-Texas)
Lindsey Graham (R- South Carolina)- Visited Three Times 2022/2023
Lisa Murkowski (R- Alaska)
Mark Kelly (D- Arizona)
Joe Manchin (D- West Virginia)
Mitch McConnell (R-Kentucky)
Richard Blumenthal (D- Connecticut)- Visited Twice 2022/2023
Rob Portman (R- Ohio)- Visited Twice 2022; Retired
Sheldon Whitehouse (D- Rhode Island)
Steven Daines (R- Montana)
Susan Collins (R-Maine)

28 May 2023 (Kyiv)- Lindsey Graham (R- South Carolina), United States Senate 

12 April 2023 (Kyiv)-Mark Kelly (D- Arizona), Lisa Murkowski (R- Alaska), Joe Manchin (D- West Virginia), members of the United States Senate 

20 January 2023 (Kyiv)- Lindsey Graham (R- South Carolina), Richard Blumenthal (D- Connecticut), Sheldon Whitehouse (D- Rhode Island), members of the United States Senate 

6 January 2023 (Kyiv)- Jack Reed (D- Rhode Island), Angus King (I- Maine), members of the United States Senate 

3 November 2022 (Kyiv)- Christopher Coons (D- Delaware), Robert Portman (R- Ohio; retiring; second visit), members of the United States Senate 

31 August 2022 (Kyiv)- Amy Klobuchar (D- Minnesota), Rob Portman (R- Ohio), members of the United States Senate  

7 July 2022 (Kyiv)- Richard Blumenthal (D- Connecticut) and Lindsey Graham (R- South Carolina), members of the United States Senate 

27 June 2022 (Kyiv)- James Risch (R- Idaho), the ranking minority member of the United Sates Senate Committee on Foreign Relations 

30 May 2022- (crossed into Ukraine at border with Moldova) Rob Portman (R- Ohio), United States Senate 

14 May 2022 (Kyiv)- Mitch McConnell (R-Kentucky), Minority Leader of the United States Senate; Susan Collins (R-Maine), United States Senate; John Barrasso (R-Wyoming), United States Senate; John Cornyn (R-Texas), United States Senate 

14 April 2022 (Kyiv)- Steven Daines (R- Montana), United States Senate

118th United States Congress (3 January 2023 to 3 January 2025)
United States House Of Representatives
(435 Members- 222 Republicans, 213 Democrats)

Visited Ukraine Since 24 February 2022
Democrat- 12
Republican- 14

Adam Schiff (D- California)
Adam Smith (D-Washington)
Barbara Lee (D- California)
Brian Fitzpatrick (R-Pennsylvania)
Christopher Stewart (R- Utah)
Dan Crenshaw (R-Texas)
Darin LaHood (R- Illinois)
Darrell Issa (R-California)
Elissa Slotkin (D-Michigan)
Gregory Meeks (D- New York)
Jake Ellzey (R-Texas)
James McGovern (D- Massachusetts)
Jason Crow (D- Colorado)
Joe Wilson (R- South Carolina)
Keith Self (R-Texas)
Max Miller (R-Ohio)
Michael McCaul (R-Texas)
Michael Turner (R- Ohio)
Mike Quigley (D-Illinois)
Mike Waltz (R-Florida)
Mikie Sherrill (D- New Jersey)
Nancy Pelosi (D- California)
Richard McCormick (R- Georgia)
Steve Cohen (D- Tennessee)
Victoria Spartz (R- Indiana)
William Keating (D- Massachusetts)

6 May 2023 (Kyiv)- Steve Cohen (D- Tennessee), Joe Wilson (R- South Carolina), Victoria Spartz R- Ohio), members of the United States House of Representatives 

3 April 2023 (Kyiv)- Michael Turner (R- Ohio), Chairman of the Intelligence Committee; Christopher Stewart (R- Utah); Richard McCormick (R- Georgia); Darin LaHood (R- Illinois), members of the United States House of Representatives 

21 February 2022 (Kyiv)- Michael McCaul (R-Texas), chairman of the Committee on Foreign Affairs; Darrell Issa (R-California), Keith Self (R-Texas), Max Miller (R-Ohio), Jake Ellzey (R-Texas), members of the United States House of Representatives 

23 July 2022 (Kyiv)- Mikie Sherrill (D- New Jersey), Adam Smith (D-Washington), Chairman of Armed Services Committee, Mike Waltz (R-Florida), Elissa Slotkin (D-Michigan), Mike Quigley (D-Illinois), members of the United States House of Representatives 

4 June 2022 (Kyiv)- Victoria Spartz (R- Indiana), United States House of Representatives 

24 May 2022 (Kyiv)- Dan Crenshaw (R-Texas), Brian Fitzpatrick (R-Pennsylvania), United States House of Representatives 

30 April 2022 (Kyiv)- Nancy Pelosi (D- California), Speaker of the United States House of Representatives; Gregory Meeks (D- New York), Adam Schiff (D- California), James McGovern (D- Massachusetts), Jason Crow (D- Colorado), Barbara Lee (D- California), William Keating (D- Massachusetts) 

14 April 2022 (Kyiv)- Victoria Spartz (R- Indiana) 

Zelensky Administration Actively Seeking To Influence 2024 Republican Party Presidential Nomination Process.  Will Two Republicans Who Oppose Biden-Harris Administration Support For Ukraine Shift Others To Their Positions Or Will Others Shift The Two To Their Positions?

The significance to the Republican Party (GOP- “Grand Old Party”) of United States taxpayer support for Ukraine, which since 24 February 2022 exceeds US$113.1 billion (some of which has yet to be disbursed) and to which the Biden-Harris Administration is expected to seek an additional US$50+ billion in appropriations by the 118th United States Congress in 2023, will become more evident, and likely more divisive, during the next months as the Republican Party commences its search for a 2024 nominee for President of the United States.  For Fiscal Year 2024, the Biden-Harris Administration in is proposal for the 2024 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) sought US$8.922 billion for the government of Ukraine.

The Washington, DC-based Republican National Committee (RNC) has scheduled the first presidential primary debate for 23 August 2023 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.  The RNC is planning for ten to twelve debates prior to its national convention in August 2024.  The Presidential Election is on Tuesday, 5 November 2024.  The first Republican Party nominating event is 5 February 2024 (caucus) in the State of Iowa, followed by 13 February 2024 (primary) in the State of New Hampshire, and 27 February 2024 (primary) in the State of Michigan.

Announced Candidates (with most recently-held offices)

Doug Burgham, Governor of the State of North Dakota (2016- ), Founder- Kilbourne Group (2013-2016)

Chris Christie, Governor of the State of New Jersey (2010-2018), United States Attorney for the District of New Jersey (2010-2018)

Ron DeSantis, Governor of the State of Florida (2019- ), United States House of Representatives (2013-2018)

Nikki Haley, Permanent Representative of the United States to the United Nations (2017-2018), Governor of the State of South Carolina (2011-2017)

William Hurd, United States House of Representatives (2015-2021)

Asa Hutchinson, Governor of the State of Arkansas (2015-2023), Under Secretary of Homeland Security for Border and Transportation Security (2003-2005)

Perry Johnson, Founder- Perry Johnson Registrars Inc., 2021 candidate for nomination of the Republican Party for governor of Michigan  

Mike Pence, Vice President of the United States (2017-2021), Governor of the State of Indiana (2013-2017)

Vivek Ramaswamy, Executive Chairman, Strive Asset Management (2022- ), Chief Executive Officer, Roivant Sciences (2014-2021)

Tim Scott, United States Senator from State of South Carolina (2013- ), United States House of Representatives (2011-2013)

Donald Trump, 45th President of the United States (2017-2021), Owner- The Trump Organization (1999- )

Neither former President Trump nor Governor DeSantis are aligned with the perspective of Mrs. Haley and Messrs. Christie, Pence, Pompeo, Scott, and others.  A majority of forty-nine members of the Republican Caucus of the 100-member United States Senate, including Mitch McConnell (R- Kentucky), the Minority Leader, support the provision of taxpayer borrowed resources to the government of Ukraine and armed forces of Ukraine. 

United States Government Funding Background

In 2022, the 117th United States Congress appropriated US$113.1 billion for Ukraine with those funds to be disbursed from 2022 through 2026 (or earlier as ordered equipment becomes available for delivery).  The 117th United States Congress (House of Representatives and Senate) were controlled by the Democratic Party.  The 118th United States Congress has a House of Representatives controlled by the Republican Party.

Biden 2024 Budget Proposal Implies Substantial Resources For Ukraine Not Required Beyond 2023.  US$113.1 Billion Appropriated In 2022.  US$8.922 Billion For 2024?  Some 2022 Funds Not Yet Spent.

In July 2023, the United States Senate and United States House of Representatives approved US$886 in funding for the 2024 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA).  The current NDAA includes approximately US$300 million for Ukraine-related expenditures.  There remain differences which will be reconciled in a conference between both chambers.

The White House initially proposed to spend US$842 billion for the NDAA in Fiscal Year 2024 representing an increase of 3.2% from Fiscal Year 2023.  The budget proposal included funding for Ukraine- although not specifying whether the proposed funding is military-related or economic-related: 

  • “Supports Ukraine, European Allies, and Partners. The Budget provides over $6 billion to support Ukraine, the United States’ strong alliance with the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), and other European partner states by prioritizing funding to enhance the capabilities and readiness of United States, allied, and partner forces in the face of continued Russian aggression.”

  • “In addition, the Budget requests $753 million for Ukraine to continue to counter Russian malign influence and to meet emerging needs related to security, energy, cybersecurity, disinformation, macroeconomic stabilization, and civil society resilience.”

  • “To assist Ukraine and manage the aftershocks of Putin’s invasion, the request includes 469 million to bolster the economy and ensure the continuity of government services, strengthen their energy infrastructure and cyber security, and ultimately promote the resilience of the Ukrainian people.”

  • “This request includes $1.7 billion that will help Ukraine win the war and lay the reform and recovery foundation for winning the peace and help other partners impacted by the war stabilize their economies and prepare for recovery.”



Prime Minister Of Qatar Visits Ukraine


Only 11 Days For President Zelensky To Do What NATO Members Feared: Abuse Official Connectivity With NATO To Find Pathway To Create NATO-Russian Federation War. Why Is Stoltenberg Enabling?