Prime Minister Netanyahu Of Israel Has Worked Hard To Create A New Tragic Meaning For The Acronym MAGA: Make Antisemitism Great Again

Benjamin Netanyahu, Prime Minister of the State of Israel (2022- , 2009-2021, 1996-1999) has since 7 October 2023 deconstructed MAGA from “Make America Great Again” and reconstructed MAGA into “Make Antisemitism Great Again”.

He has accomplished this by decisions (commercial, economic, financial, and political) made operational by his government impacting the 2.3 million residents of Gaza, West Bank, and Occupied Territories; and by orders to the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) which have for more than eight months engaged in the same style of destruction throughout Gaza last viewed during the twentieth century when inflicted throughout Europe and Northern Africa by the Wehrmacht (1935-1945) throughout World War II.

Unhelpful further is the choice of costumes by Prime Minister Netanyahu and members of his government: Black shirts, black pants, black belts, black shoes… Radiating darkness, evil, no mercy. Reminiscent of Karl Diebitsch (artist) and Walter Heck (graphic designer) and their infamous efforts with Hugo Boss from 1932 to 1945 dressing the armed forces of Germany and the notable Fascist costume of choice by followers of Benito Mussolini in Italy during World War II.

Not surprising how since 7 October 2023 youths throughout the world have developed and then embraced a perspective about happenings in Gaza, particularly how the Biden-Harris Administration (2021- ) manages its “ironclad” support to the State of Israel- where United States-sourced and manufactured weapons inflict significant damage in Gaza; and how the most recent Netanyahu Administration (2022- ) calculates approvingly that on 7 October 2023 approximately 1,200 citizens/residents of the State of Israel were murdered by members of the Hamas organization and affiliates, so the proportional acceptable response is approximately 38,000 Palestinians dead and approximately 84,000 wounded. Basically, 38 to 1.

There are constituencies in the State of Israel who believe the more Palestinians dead, the better for the prospects of the State of Israel. There are constituencies supporting the Hamas organization who believe the more Palestinians dead, the better for the prospects of the Hamas organization.

Other than Recep Tayyip Erdogan, President of the Republic of Turkiye (2014- ), no other head of state or head of government of a Muslim nation has more publicly and repeatedly condemned decisions by the government of the State of Israel and then taken decisions that are harmful to the economy of Turkiye- to make a point about supporting the citizens and residents of Gaza.

How can any sane Muslim or Arab support providing any funding whatsoever to reconstruct Gaza when the government of the State of Israel has destroyed Gaza? Why should United States taxpayers borrow funds to pay for what the IDF destroyed in Gaza? Lunacy.

If the government of the Russian Federation must pay to reconstruct Ukraine, why is the State of Israel excused from its obligation- particularly when it has nearing US$200 billion in foreign reserves and reconstructing Gaza is estimated to cost approximately US$18.5 billion?

The following are links to analyses which provide the foundation for the MAGA transition…

6/2/24- Biden Is Wrong.  “Chaos Of War” Did Not Destroy Gaza.  The IDF Did With U.S.-Provided Weapons. Rather Than Israel Pay To Reconstruct Gaza, He Wants U.S. Taxpayers, Arabs, Muslims To Do It.

6/1/24- Making A Destroyed Gaza Into A Profit Center For Israeli Companies. Always The Benjamins. Knew This Was Coming: Israel Government Urging Its Companies To Export Products For Sale Into Gaza.

5/19/24- Israel Prime Minister Netanyahu Owes U.S. Taxpayers US$320 Million Plus Vyigrysh For Unnecessary Gaza Pier.  What Does It Take To Embarrass President Biden? Not Borrowing US$320 Million

5/18/24- US Senator Marco Rubio Can Be A Thoughtful Man. How Then Could He Equate Suffering In Gaza With Inconveniences In Israel? Senator- There Are No Hotels, No Conference Rooms, Schools Destroyed By IDF

4/29/24- Biden Administration Knew In March That Gaza Temporary Dock Would Cost Taxpayers US$160 Million, But Refused To Disclose.  Now, Cost Is US$320 Million For Dock Whose Lifespan May Be 90 Days

4/22/24- Biden Administration Uses More Words In Statements About Passover Than About Ramadan And Eid al-Fitr. Another Moment To Reinforce For Muslims That Biden Administration Values Jews More Than Muslims

4/10/24- Should Gazans Call Allied Moving Company Or Re/Max? U.S. Department Of State Spokesperson Demonstrates Disconnectivity With Realities Of Residential Destruction By IDF In Gaza 

4/3/24- Is US$18.5 Billion Finally Enough For Muslim Leaders To Tell Israel It Must Pay For Destruction Of Gaza? President Erdogan- This Is Your Moment. Not One Pound, Dinar, Rial, Riyal, Lira, Durham.

3/16/24- No Surprise Biden Administration Has Problem With Muslims When International Day to Combat Islamophobia Statement Mentions “Islamophobia” Six Times And Mentions “Antisemitism” Three Times 

3/11/24- It’s Possible Biden Administration Approved 1,000 Personnel, Naval Vessels, Floating Pier, 1,800 Foot Causeway From Virginia To Gaza- 6,000 Miles, Without Anyone Asking Cost To Taxpayers? 

3/10/24- So, President Biden, 30,000 Palestinians Dead Did Not Cross Your Red Line, But 60,000 Palestinians Dead Will Cross Your Red Line? Your Version Of Jeopardy’s Daily Double? What Is Wrong With You? 

3/3/24- “Dumbo Drop” Illustrative Of Another Moment When President Biden Embarrassed, Humiliated By Prime Minister Netanyahu. Is Success One MRE For 1.65% Of 2.3 Million Residents Of Gaza When Likely Less?

1/25/24 - CNN Zakaria’s First Instinct? Don’t Hold Israel Responsible For Destruction In Gaza During Interview With Saudi Arabia Foreign Minister. Focused On Where Money Is Rather Than Where Responsibility Lies

1/5/24- Israel’s Day-After Gaza Plan Is Compilation Of Garfield, Gekko, Felt, And Yiddish. “Other People’s Money” “Greed Is Good” “Follow The Money” “Chutzpah” And Gazans Are On Vacation, Not Displaced

12/31/23-Questions About Gaza Reconstruction Submitted Office Of The Prime Minister, Ministry Of Defense, And Ministry Of Foreign Affairs In Israel. Only MFA Responded, But Does Not Want To Discuss It.

12/30/23- Mistake For UN To Appoint “Humanitarian and Reconstruction Coordinator for Gaza”  Should Have Separated To Force “Reconstruction” Discussion Now. Role For Turkiye. Israel Looks At Russia Example

12/15/23- The White House Believes It “honest brokers of this process here” Regarding “prospect of a Gaza” Do Muslim-Led Nations Think The Same Given U.S. Support Thus Far For Israel’s Destruction Of Gaza?

12/14/23- Biden’s Use Of “indiscriminate bombing” To Describe Israel IDF Actions Results In Painful-To-Watch Verbal Gymnastics By Spokespersons At The White House And Department Of State. They Won’t Support Him

12/3/23- Based Upon 9/11 Awards, Israel May Owe $97 Billion? Biden’s Equality Problem: Jews Retain Jewish Lawyers To Sue Jewish State And Hamas. Palestinians Retain Jewish Lawyers To Sue Jewish State And Hamas

11/27/23- Turkiye President Erdogan During Visit To Egypt Is Ideal Messenger To Israel: Muslim Countries Will Not Provide Funds To Rebuild In Gaza What The IDF Has Destroyed. Israel Must Pay First.

11/25/23- Why Was Billboard With Message About Gaza Removed? Today, Embarrassed To Be From Western New York And Family Business Having Engaged With Lamar Advertising

11/25/23- President Of Latvia Visits Ukraine

11/24/23- For Leading U.S. Brand, One Moment, One Image For The World To See Reinforces For Muslims U.S. Connectivity With Palestinian Deaths. A 12.3 Metric Ton Grave Digger. Will There Be A Boycott?  

11/18/23- Israel Is So Generous: .034 Liters Of Fuel Per Person Per Day For 2.3 Million Residents Of Gaza.  How Much Is .034 Liters?  6.89 Teaspoons. A Cruel Joke?  Yes, It Is.

11/15/23- Counterintuitive?  The hostages held by Hamas and other parties in Gaza are the only buffer, the only preventative to further intense destruction of Gaza and civilian deaths in Gaza.

11/13/23- Shocked! Biden Administration Refrains Saying Israel Should Pay For Gaza Destruction. “[C]onversations with partners in the region about that very question” But Not Naming Israel And Its $200 Billion.

11/5/23- Why Israel, $522 Billion GDP- World’s 29th Largest; $23.6 Billion Defense Budget- World’s 11th Largest; $200 Billion Foreign Reserves- World’s 18th Largest; Needs $14.3 Billion From U.S. Taxpayers?

11/2/23- U.S. Department Of State Won’t Even Begin An Official Discussion To Determine If An Official Discussion Is Warranted… To Evaluate, Not Even Investigate, If Israel Has Committed War Crimes In Gaza

11/2/23- Surprise If Turkiye President Erdogan Approves Civilian Vessel Or Turkish Naval Forces Vessel To Deliver Humanitarian Supplies, Including Fuel, Directly To A Port In Gaza? Repeat Of Deadly 2010?

10/30/23- Biden-Harris Administration Requesting US$43.74 Per Person For Gaza And US$1,474.22 Per Person For Israel. Who Has The Greater Per Person Immediate Need?

10/30/23- Biden Making Hamas-Israel War About “Jewishness” And That Is A Huge Mistake. Result Is Conflict Between Jews And Muslims; Christianity And Islam; White People Versus Dark People; Poor Versus Rich

10/29/23- Comments About Humanitarian Assistance To Residents Of Gaza By Florida Governor Ronald DeSantis Disqualify Him From United States Presidency. His Logic: Because He Can’t Trust 100%, 100% Must Suffer.

10/26/23- Nikki Haley On CNBC: “There is not an Israeli or Jewish person in Gaza.” If True, Then How Can Israel Determine What Products (Electricity, Food, Fuel, Medicine, Water) And Services Enter Gaza?

10/25/23- Now We Know Official Plans For “Day After” In Gaza By Government Of Israel. Palestinians Get Two-States. But, Not As Desired. They May Be Separated. Should Supporters Embrace “Two-State-Light”?

10/24/23- Biden Administration Avoids Until Yesterday Fuel Issue For Gaza. Food, Medicine Need Refrigeration. Water Desalinization/Sewage Facilities Need Electricity. Why Not Demand Israel Provide It?

10/18/23- Why Hasn’t Israel Unilaterally Opened All Gaza Border Crossings For All Americans- Even If Hamas Refuses, Israel Should Offer. Israel Wants U.S. To Stand With It. Israel Should Stand With U.S. 

10/18/23- Disputing Source Of Gaza Hospital Rocket In 2023 Similar To 2022 When Ukraine President Certain Rocket From Russia Landed In Poland- So NATO Should Attack Russia. Rocket Was Launched By Ukraine

10/17/23- End Passport Apartheid: Biden Administration Should Suspend Israel Visa Waiver Program Implementation Until Palestinian-Americans Residing In Gaza Are Included With Same Status As Israelis

10/17/23- Does New York State Governor Hochul Need To Visit Israel?  No.  Should New York State Taxpayers Pay Expenses?  No. New York State Taxpayers Already Burdened- Vanity Trip Inappropriate.

10/15/23- Why Shouldn’t Israel Be Held To “You Break It, You Own It” Pottery Barn Rule For Destruction Of Gaza? US, EU Say Russia Should Pay To Rebuild Ukraine. Israel Has US$200 Billion In Foreign Reserves.

10/15/23- Zelensky Doesn’t Want To Visit Israel To Show “Solidarity” With Israel, He Wants To Visit To Promote Solidarity With Ukraine.  It’s About Him, Always About Him.  Draining Attention.

10/14/23- Hotel In Jerusalem Publicly Projects When The Israel-Hamas War Will End- Monday, 1 January 2024.

10/14/23- Members Of US Congress Do Not Need Now To Visit Israel. Nor Do Those Seeking 2024 Republican Party Presidential Nomination. Why Go? Campaign Contributions, Media Coverage. US Taxpayers Pay For CODELS


At The G7 Italia Summit, There Is One Product Everyone Wants, But Can’t Obtain. 2024 Is Its 60th Anniversary. One Head Of State Particularly Pleased- As Country Source Of The Famous Ingredient


For Residents Of And Visitors To Russia, “No Limits” Has Its Limits- When About Tea. Seems Beverage Business Transcends China-Russia-Taiwan-Ukraine Political Tensions.