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Why Are Refugees From Ukraine Treated Differently Than Refugees To Europe Who Are Muslim? Governments Are Not Afraid That Ukrainians Might Be Terrorists.

Yes, this is unfortunate, but is a reality…

A reason for the Russian Federation-Ukraine conflict, invasion, war to have more resonance to the United States, members of NATO, members of the EU, and other countries is the story is not about two countries whose location is in the Middle East and whose populations are Muslim who follow Islam. 

This is not a religious war. 

For some in the United States, Ukrainians are white, they dress in “Western” costumes, they follow the Christian (Orthodox) faith, have a president who is of the Jewish faith, and seem “like us” so they must be worth defending- up to a point and that point being sacrificing a member of the United States armed forces fighting members of the armed forces of the Russian Federation on behalf of anyone.

No government has voiced concern that refugees from Ukraine are potential terrorists.