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Why? After Criticizing Lack Of Contact With China, President Zelensky Silent On Meeting Envoy Of President Xi Jinping. Missed Opportunity To Show Appreciation. Chinese Are Focused On Appearances.

With the government of Ukraine immensely focused upon optics- images, surprising that President Volodymyr Zelensky, President of Ukraine (2019- ), meets with the personal envoy of Xi Jinping, President of the People’s Republic of China (2013- ), but does not officially confirm the meeting, does not provide an image of the meeting.

The government of the People’s Republic of China, and the citizens of the People’s Republic of China, are keenly focused upon optics, upon symbols- and focus intently looking for the slightest insult.

The government of Ukraine needs assistance, needs support from as many countries as possible. By not officially confirming the meeting with Special Representative of the Chinese Government on Eurasian Affairs Li Hui and publishing an image of the meeting, President Zelensky reinforces that he wants to be selective- and is not interested in bringing to an end the Russian Federation-Ukraine war. That is how the government of the People’s Republic of China will perceive it. Critically, that is how at least some of those countries who have not fully supported the government of Ukraine will perceive it.

Odds are that Vladimir Putin, President of the Russian Federation (2000-2008 and 2012- ), will issue an official statement and an official photograph from his meeting with Special Representative of the Chinese Government on Eurasian Affairs Li Hui.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Beijing, People’s Republic of China
18 May 2023

Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Wang Wenbin’s Regular Press Conference: I would like to take this opportunity to share with you Special Representative of the Chinese Government on Eurasian Affairs Li Hui’s visit to Ukraine. During Special Representative Li Hui’s visit to Ukraine, Ukrainian President Zelenskyy met with him and the Special Representative also had meetings with Head of the Office of the President Andrii Yermak, Minister for Foreign Affairs Dmytro Kuleba, and officials from relevant departments including the Ministry for Communities, Territories and Infrastructure Development, the Ministry of Energy and the Ministry of Defence. The two sides exchanged views on the political settlement of the Ukraine crisis and China-Ukraine relations.

The two sides agreed that the telephone call between President Xi Jinping and President Zelenskyy charted the course for the development of bilateral relations. The two countries need to work together to carry on the tradition of mutual respect and sincerity and advance mutually beneficial cooperation.

Special Representative Li Hui laid out China’s position and proposals on the political settlement of the Ukraine crisis. He noted that the four principles, joint efforts in four areas and three observations proposed by President Xi Jinping are China’s fundamental approach to the political settlement of the crisis. There is no panacea for defusing the crisis. All parties need to do their part to build up trust and create conditions for ceasefire and peace talks. China stands ready to work on the basis of the document of China’s Position on the Political Settlement of the Ukraine Crisis, seek out the broadest common ground among the international community for settling the crisis, and contribute our part to an early ceasefire and restoration of peace. China has played a constructive role in alleviating the humanitarian situation in Ukraine in our own way and will continue to provide help to Ukraine as much as possible.

The Ukraine side noted that it was a pleasure to welcome Special Representative Li Hui to Ukraine shortly after the telephone communication between the presidents of the two countries. Ukraine attaches importance to China’s important role in international affairs as a permanent member of the UN Security Council. China is welcome to play a positive role in ending hostilities and restoring peace. Ukraine adheres to the one-China principle and is ready to work with China for new, greater advancement of bilateral relations.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Kyiv, Ukraine
18 May 2023

China's special envoy Li Hui has paid a visit to Ukraine and met with Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba.  That's according to the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry, Ukrinform reports.  The ministry said the trip took place as part of the agreements reached during a phone call between President Volodymyr Zelensky of Ukraine and President Xi Jinping of China on April 26.  During their meeting, Kuleba and Li discussed topical issues of interaction between Ukraine and China both at the bilateral level and as part of international organizations, as well as ways to stop Russian aggression.  Kuleba informed Li in detail about the principles of restoring a stable and just peace based on respect for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine. He pointed out that Ukraine does not accept any proposals that would involve the loss of its territories or the freezing of the conflict.  The minister noted the importance of China's participation in the implementation of the Peace Formula proposed by the Ukrainian president, the Black Sea Grain Initiative, guaranteeing nuclear safety and other important international efforts.  Both parties separately discussed long-term prospects for the development of bilateral relations between Ukraine and China and agreed to increase dialogue on key issues of the bilateral and international agenda.