A Script Gone Terribly Wrong

Current Iraq is what happens when Washington DC-based politicians (elected and appointed) believed they possessed skills to be Hollywood producers. 

Tragically, they would embrace the worst-possible efforts of Hollywood scriptwriters and Hollywood screenwriters.  They then would present a television mini-series for which companies paid top-dollar for commercials and television broadcast ratings were stellar. 

The result to date is a mini-series so poorly conceived, with plot lines convoluted and tortured to an extent where millions of people have been impacted, trillions of dollars have been spent, billions (or trillions) of dollars have been stolen, and resolutions remain illusory.   

When the mini-series is presented for awards, none are suitable.   

However, one award is created specifically to recognize, with cascades of mockery, what has transpired in Iraq from 2003 through 2019…  “Hope It Can Never Happen Again, But We Know It Will.” 

What’s criminal?  Those producers, scriptwriters and screenwriters who created Iraq continue to have careers with ever-increasing responsibilities and influence…. And they plot for new mini-series each day. 


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