Russian Federation Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s Visit To Brazil, Cuba, Nicaragua, and Venezuela Is A Journey In Search Of Possibilities…. One Guarantee… Annoying Biden-Harris Administration

Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s Visit To Brazil, Cuba, Nicaragua, and Venezuela Is A Journey In Search Of Possibilities….  

One Guarantee…. Annoying Biden-Harris Administration.

Why?  Russian Federation Opposes Sanctions- Three Of Four Countries Impacted By United States Sanctions And Have Survived United States Sanctions; And Russian Federation Tolerates Political Status Quo In Each Country. 

Brazil- A Successful Country Seeking More Of It
Cuba- 64 Years Of Chronic Disappointment And Dependency Upon Others
Nicaragua- Political Stagnation With Limited Commercial Opportunities
Venezuela- Re-Emerging From Turmoil, But With Enormous Quantities Of Oil/Natural Gas

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation: “From April 17 to 21, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov will visit several Latin American countries, including Brazil, Venezuela, Nicaragua, and Cuba. The Russian foreign minister will have a rich program, which will include meetings with these countries' leaders and talks with the foreign ministers.”

The Russian Federation and Brazil (population 216.4 million) have an approximately US$10 billion bilateral trade relationship, and with a potential for targeted political cooperation.  The Russian Federation and Venezuela (population 28.3 million) may have a bilateral trade relationship of potentially US$3 billion in 2023.  The country has oil and natural gas, but needs investment; location useful.  Nicaragua (population 7 million) has location, friendly government, a private sector; but challenging bilateral trade opportunities.  From the United States Department of State: “Nicaragua’s economy still has significant potential for growth if investor confidence can be restored by strengthening institutions and improving the rule of law. Its assets include: ample natural resources; a well-developed agricultural sector; an organized and sophisticated private sector committed to a free economy; ready access to major shipping lanes; and a young, low-cost labor force that supports the manufacturing sector. The United States is Nicaragua’s largest trading partner – it is the source of roughly one quarter of Nicaragua’s imports, and the destination of approximately two-thirds of Nicaragua’s exports.”  The weakest among the four countries Cuba: (population 11.1 million) A country that has potential to have potential, but which it consistently squanders. With Cuba, the Russian Federation has a child who refuses to change its clothing- despite getting older.  A country that will embrace whoever will support it absent requirement to change commercially, economically, and politically.  Meaning in its current form, it can only remain a liability rather than become a commercial asset with an ability to repay its debt on time. 


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UPDATE: 21 Republicans, 19 Democrats, 1 Independent Members In Current 118th U.S. Congress Have Visited Ukraine Since 24 February 2022. Meaning? They Have A Vote About Funding For Ukraine.