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Prime Minister Johnson Will Reunite Northern Ireland With Ireland

Boris Johnson, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom (England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland) for the next five years, will be defined historically for his leadership of the group of four nations out of the their collective membership in the twenty-eight member Brussels, Belgium-based European Union (EU).  On 31 January 2020, the EU will officially have twenty-seven members. 

However, there is one additional legacy achievement which the Prime Minister is likely to focus upon- and seek to deliver, by the end of his first term as Prime Minister: The reunification of Ireland.   

Meaning Northern Ireland which has been under the protection and administration of the United Kingdom for one hundred years will once again be subject to Ireland, resulting in a unified state, nation and country. 

There are utterings that if the Prime Minister embraces the reunification of Ireland there will be at least two results:   

First, the members of Parliament from his Conservative Party (Tories) who as a body are generally supportive of the status quo would remove him from 10 Downing Street.

Second, the Parliament in Scotland would move towards independence, resulting in a United Kingdom consisting of England and Wales.  Some historians would argue that result should be the components of a modern, 21st Century United Kingdom.  

Prior to shepherding unification of the two Ireland’s, Prime Minister Johnson will first either dispatch or accommodate the independence aspirations of Scotland.

For Prime Minister Johnson, shepherding the reunification of Ireland will compare him well with two-time Prime Minister Winston Churchill who is remembered for doing what needed to be done, what was right at the time. 

And, with the unification of Ireland, Prime Minister Johnson would be nominated for and would receive the Nobel Peace Prize.