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President Erdogan Of Turkiye Is Today Focusing Upon What NATO Needs Now- Finland. Rather Than What NATO Wants- Sweden.  That’s Good. The Country With 830-Mile Border With Russia Matters More.

President Erdogan Of Turkiye Is Today Focusing Upon What NATO Needs Now- Finland. Rather Than What NATO Wants- Sweden.  That’s Good.

Today is expected for Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, President of the Republic of Turkiye (2014- ), to confirm to Sauli Väinämö Niinistö, President of the Republic of Finland (2012- ), that the government of the Republic of Turkiye will submit for approval to the 600-member Grand National Assembly of Turkiye the ascension documents for the Republic of Finland to become the thirty-first member of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO).

The ascension of Finland is more important today than is the ascension of the Republic of Sweden for one reason:  Finland shares an 830-mile border with the Russian Federation.  Sweden does not have a direct border with the Russian Federation. 

If the goal of NATO is to immediately show Vladimir Putin, President of the Russian Federation, that NATO is not fearful of the armed forces of the Russian Federation and, more importantly, not fearful to expand the membership of NATO- including directly along the border of the Russian Federation, then Finland as a member of NATO delivers that message.

Finland as a member of NATO is a direct assault upon statements by the government of the Russian Federation.

President Erdogan could have waited until:

  • After 18 March 2023 when the Black Sea Grain Initiative, which the government of Turkiye was instrumental in crafting, officially expires;

  • After Xi Jinping, President of the People’s Republic of China, had visited the Russian Federation from 20/22 March 2023;

  • After President Xi speaks with Volodymyr Zelensky, President of Ukraine expected after the conclusion of the visit by President Xi to Moscow;

  • Nearer or after the 14 May 2023 presidential and parliament elections in Turkiye;

  • During the 11/12 July 2023 NATO Summit in Vilnius, Lithuania.

He chose wisely this moment.  He is seeking to make a statement.  He is succeeding.

Next up, ascension of Sweden- which could be the welcome gift from the government of the Republic of Turkiye by President Erdogan or his successor to participants at the 11/12 July 2023 NATO Summit.