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Debate Statements By Biden Campaign Spokesperson And Chairwoman Are Why Increasing Number Of U.S. Voters Believe Political Parties Are Arrogant. Do Debate Moderators Represent America?   

Statements By Biden For President Spokesperson And Chairwoman Are Precisely Why Increasing Number Of U.S. Voters Believe Political Parties Are Arrogant.   

Do These Moderators Best Represent The United States Electorate? For The Two Presidential Debates: Two Men (Muir, Tapper), Two Women (Bash, Davis), Three White (Bash, Muir, Tapper), One Black (Davis), Two Catholics (Davis, Muir), Two Jews (Bash, Tapper). 

Do Four Fifty-Plus Year Olds Best Represent The United States Electorate?  Tapper (55), Bash (52), Davis (53), Muir (50).   

Bash And Tapper, Who Are Jewish, Have Not Hidden Their Positions Relating To The Government Of The State Of Israel, Palestine, Hamas, Palestinian Authority And Campus Protests.  Coverage By CNN Has Been Criticized By Muslims As Biased.  There Are Concerns In The Muslim Community That Bash And Tapper Will Editorialize, Bring Their Personal Beliefs Into Their Questioning. 

Decision By President Biden Reinforces Argument He Is Physically And Mentally Incapable Of Participating In More Than Two Debates- And Demanding Debates Be Far In Advance Of National Voting On Tuesday, 5 November 2024, So As To Mitigate Any Controversial Performance: 

  • Two debates will suffice for what the American people need.” Adrienne Elrod, Senior Advisor & Senior Spokesperson, Biden for President 

Insulting And Arrogant For Ms. Elrod To Declare What The “American people need” Rather Than Embrace What The United States Electorate Wants- And Critically, What They Deserve. 

  • President Biden made his terms clear for two one-on-one debates, and Donald Trump accepted those terms.  No more games. No more chaos. No more debate about debates.”  Jennifer O’Malley Dillon, Chairman, Biden for President 

Trump For President Senior Advisors Have It Right- More Debates, The Better To Inform The United States Electorate: 

  • We believe there should be more than just two opportunities for the American people to hear more from the [presidential] candidates themselves.  Additional dates [June, July, August, September, and a vice presidential debate] will allow voters to have maximum exposure to the records and future visions of each candidate.”  Chris LaCivita and Susie Wiles, Senior Advisors, Trump for President 

The Debates Should Be Two Hours- Not Sixty Minutes Or Ninety Minutes.  The United States Electorate Deserve Time For Detailed Answers From Each Candidate. 

Joseph Biden, 46th President of the United States (2021- ) and Donald Trump, 45th President of the United States (2017-2021) have agreed to two debates.   

European Union (EU) Parliament Elections- 6/9 June 2024
Ukraine Peace Summit (Lucerne, Switzerland)- 15/16 June 2024
G7 Heads Of State And Government Summit (Borgo Egnazia, Italy)- 13/15 June 2024

  • CNN will host in its Atlanta, Georgia-based studio a presidential debate on 27 June 2024.  Jake Tapper and Dana Bash will moderate. 

NATO Summit (Washington DC- 9/11 July 2024) 

The Republican Party National Convention is 15 July 2024 to 18 July 2024 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. 

The Democratic Party National Convention is 19 August 2024 to 22 August 2024 in Chicago, Illinois. 

  • ABC News will host in a yet-to-be announced studio presidential debate on 10 September 2024.  David Muir and Linsey Davis will moderate.  

United Nations General Assembly (New York, New York)- 10/24 September 2024) 

  • NOTE: Mr. Trump has accepted an invitation from Fox News to participate in a debate on 2 October 2024 with moderators Bret Baier and Martha MacCallum.  President Biden has not accepted the invitation. 

Kamala Harris, 49th Vice President of the United States (2021- ) and the yet-to-be selected Republican Party Nominee for Vice President of the United States have agreed to one debate. 

  • CBS News will host in a yet-to-be announced studio a vice presidential debate on 23 July 2024 or 13 August 2024

The Commission on Presidential Debates had scheduled three presidential debates (16 September 2024 in Texas; 1 October 2024 in Virginia, and 9 October 2024 in Utah.  Their schedule was rejected by both candidates.