Zelensky Needs A Remedial Course In Etiquette And Manners.  First Rule- Do Not Insult Those You Want At Your Party.  Second Rule- Do Not Continue To Repeat First Rule. 

This Is Painful To Write… 

Volodymyr Zelensky, President Of Ukraine (2019), Needs A Remedial Course In Etiquette And MannersFirst Rule- Do Not Insult Those You Want At Your Party.  Second Rule- Do Not Continue To Repeat First Rule. 

The Two Most Important Guests Absent From The Ukraine Peace Summit- Representatives Of The Government Of The Russian Federation, The Party To The War, And Representatives Of The Government Of The People’s Republic Of China, Whose Engagement With The Government Of The Russian Federation Is Considered By Many To Be Essential For The War To Continue.   

Like Placating A Tantrum-Throwing Child- Joseph Biden, President Of The United States (2021- ), Not Attending The “Peace Summit” In Switzerland, Must Feel Parental- Sooth A Teething President Zelensky- Who Perhaps Needs A “Time Out”? 

  • “...In the course of a little more than a week, the president will have two substantive engagements with President Zelensky.”  Jake Sullivan, Assistant To The President Of The United States For National Security Affairs 

The Government Of Switzerland’s First Instinct Was Correct: A “Peace Summit” To Be Consequential, Even In A Preliminary Way, Must Include Senior-Level Representatives Of The Government Of The Russian Federation. 

And, Absent Senior-Level Representatives From The Governments Of The People’s Republic Of China, Russian Federation, Turkiye, And Ukraine, Fulfilling Stated Objectives Of The “Peace Summit” Are Illusory.  

President Zelensky Remains Focused Upon Numbers Of Participants Rather Than Who Participates.  He Remains Focused Upon The Level Of Representation Of Participating Delegations Rather Than From Which Countries Are Represented.  Note To President Zelensky- Formal Titles Are Not Always Indicators Of Influence. 

He Has Again, As He Has Since 24 February 2022, Insulted And Belittled Political Leadership In Countries Who Will Not Participate Or Whose Level Of Delegations Do Not Meet His Expectations. 

President Zelensky Believes The Commercial, Economic, Financial, Military, And Political Pathway To End The War On His Absolute Terms With The Government Of The Russian Federation Is Akin To A Television Production- Focusing Upon Costume Design, Settings, Audience, Ratings, And Celebrities. 

President Zelensky Said That He Only Wants To Speak With “leaders who make the decisions” Meaning, By Definition, Kamala Harris, Vice President Of The United States (2021- ), Who Will Lead The United States Government Delegation To The “Peace Summit” Will Underwhelm Him, Particularly When President Biden Has Chosen To Return To The United States To Focus Upon His Re-Election Campaign Rather That Participate In The “Peace Summit” Despite His Engagement With President Zelensky In France This Week And At The G7 Leaders’ Summit In Italy Next Week.  While In Europe, President Biden With Execute A Multi-Year Bilateral Cooperation Agreement With The Government Of Ukraine. 

An Interesting Aside: While President Zelensky Throws A Tantrum In The Direction Of President Biden, Creating Domestic Political Issues Five Months Before Election Day, President Zelensky Indicates His Preference That President Biden Be Re-Elected Rather Than Donald Trump, 45th President Of The United States (2017-2021) Return To The White House For Another Four Years. 

  • I know that America supports the summit, but we do not know at what level. I believe that this is not a very strong decision, with all due respect to every person in the United States of America.  I believe that the Peace Summit and the other leaders who are looking at the reaction of the United States of America need President Biden.  His absence would only be applauded by Putin, personally applauded by Putin, and it would be a standing ovation.”  Volodymyr Zelenskyy, President Of Ukraine 

  • The Ukrainian President, Volodymyr Zelensky, lashed out at the Chinese Prime Minister, Li Qiang. Zelensky claimed he didn't urge for a meet with him and that he wants to meet the Chinese President, Xi Jinping.  He said that he will meet with "leaders who make the decisions"”.  Media Reporting 

President Zelensky Refuses To Accept That Ukraine, The Government Of Ukraine, The Outcome Of The War With The Government Of The Russian Federation, Is Not Equally Significant To All 193 Countries.  The More He Insults, The More He Belittles, The More He Antagonizes Will Not Result In Meaningful Engagement.  His Operational Schtick Is Tiring. 

Every Government First Conducts A Cost-Benefit Analysis Of Its Domestic, Bilateral, And Multilateral Reasons For Participation In The “Peace Summit” Which Primarily Results In Many Attending To Advance Agendas Not Directly Connected To The Objectives Of The “Peace Summit.”  The Optics May Be Of Value To Be Seen As Participating- But Not Focused Upon Investing In The Outcome.  Some Government Officials Are Attending As A Convenient Means Of Seeing Their Other Country Colleagues; Some Want An Excuse To Visit Europe For Shopping And Dining.  

President Zelensky Is Making A Mistake Believing All “Peace Summit” Participants Support Ukraine, Support His Structure Of Negotiations With The Government Of The Russian Federation, And Above All, Support And Like Him, Personally.  Most Do Not.  While They Respect The Results Of His Methods- Gaining Funding And Gaining Political Support For Sanctions Upon Countries Aligned With The Government Of The Russian Federation, They Resent The Result Of The Re-Alignment Of Funding And Political Support From Their Agendas To His Agendas.  

There Is A Linear Equation President Zelensky Has Yet To Appreciate- The Longer The War, The Less Interest In The War And The Less Funding For The War. 

Vladimir Putin, President Of The Russian Federation (2000-2008 and 2012- ), And Other Officials Of The Government Of The Russian Federation Have Projected An Interest In Negotiating With The Government Of Ukraine.  Questions Of Sincerity Aside, When One Party To A War Offers To Meet, The Other Party To A War Should Accept.  Continued Expressions By One Party That The Other Party Is Not Sincere, That The Other Party Is Fostering A Ruse, That The Other Party Has Other, Unspecified Objectives, Fuels Belief By Those Funding And Those Providing Political Support That One Party Desires To Maintain Conflict Rather Than Invest In Resolution. 

  • If the deal [attributed to Donald Trump] is that we just give up our territories, and that's the idea behind it, then it's a very primitive idea.  I need very strong arguments. I don't need a fantastic idea, I need a real idea, because people's lives are at stake.” Volodymyr Zelensky, President Of Ukraine

Related Media Reporting 

“In an interview with the Foreign Policy, Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba hinted that peace negotiations with Russia might commence once Ukraine establishes a peace coalition.  Switzerland is set to host a high-level peace conference next month. Responding to concerns about holding a peace summit without the war-initiating party, Kuleba highlighted two strategies to engage Russia in sincere dialogue.  “Your point is valid if you address the war that Russia launched against Ukraine with textbook diplomacy, because all textbooks that we learned from tell us that you need two parties to sit down and negotiate,” he told the Foreign Policy media.  Kuleba acknowledged the ineffectiveness of Ukraine’s extensive diplomatic efforts between 2014 and 2022, which included nearly 200 rounds of talks with Russia in various formats. “But nothing worked. It ended up in the large-scale invasion [of 2022],” he said.  “So, we know that it doesn't make sense to have Russia at the table if you cannot ensure that they act in good faith,” Kuleba added.  He outlined two prerequisites for genuine engagement with Russia: battlefield success and the formation of a coalition of like-minded countries.  “So, this is why the summit does not intend to have Russia as a participant,” Kuleba said.  The minister reported that the summit's objective is to unite countries sharing common principles, paving the way for coordinated actions. He said, “After that [creating the coalition], communication with Russia may take place and Russia can be part of the talks. Because you are right: in the end, you cannot put the war to an end without both parties.””



For Residents Of And Visitors To Russia, “No Limits” Has Its Limits- When About Tea. Seems Beverage Business Transcends China-Russia-Taiwan-Ukraine Political Tensions. 


“The U.S. Embassy is limited in our ability to influence Ukrainian law” As Ukraine Refuses To Accept Dual Citizenship, Including With United States. Why?