“Made In U.S.A.” & NATO-Member Weapons Versus “Made In Russian Federation” Weapons Is War Between U.S. & NATO And Russian Federation

Long past appropriate for the United States and thirty-member Brussels, Belgium-based North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) to acknowledge the obvious:  NATO is at war with the Russian Federation.

Upon the arrival to Ukraine in 2014 of the first weapons and the first trainers whose origins were the United States and NATO-member countries, the foundations defining a war with the Russian Federation were in place. 

With this confirmation, thus far how has the United States and NATO prosecuted the war?  Rather than overwhelm the battlefields- a defensive version of the 1996 “shock and awe” concept referenced in the 2003 Iraq War, the response has been to await the infliction of destruction and death and then provide an increasing level of assistance.   

The response should have been to deliver a “shock and awe” defensive capability prior to 24 February 2022 so that if the armed forces of the Russian Federation attacked, the armed forces of Ukraine would have capabilities to respond.  Today, twenty-four days since the attack upon Ukraine, the United States and NATO continue to provide capabilities with ever-increasing targeting accuracy, range, and lethality.  Basically, the more death and destruction, the more assistance. 

“NATO has 30 members. In 1949, there were 12 founding members of the Alliance: Belgium, Canada, Denmark, France, Iceland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, the United Kingdom and the United States. The other member countries are: Greece and Turkey (1952), Germany (1955), Spain (1982), the Czech Republic, Hungary and Poland (1999), Bulgaria, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania, Slovakia and Slovenia (2004), Albania and Croatia (2009), Montenegro (2017) and North Macedonia (2020).” 

  • Describe the Russian Federation-Ukraine war as a proxy battle by NATO against the Russian Federation or the Russian Federation against NATO.   

  • Describe the Russian-Ukraine war as a proxy battle by the United States against the Russian Federation or Russian Federation against the United States. 

  • Describe the Russian Federation-Ukraine war in any manner and the singular fact remains intact, remains true:  

When NATO members individually and collectively provide more than US$25 billion in commercial, economic, and military assistance to Ukraine- much approved and delivered since 24 February 2022 with some delivered in advance and additional deliveries continuing, and some remaining prospective (Slovakia, for example, agreeing to deliver its U.S.S.R.-manufactured S-300 missile defense system) for the singular purpose of defending Ukraine territory from an attack by the armed forces of the Russian Federation, matters little who is providing intelligence, who is providing Airborne Warning and Control System (AWAC) data, piloting drones, firing the rockets, launching the missiles, firing the weapons- when information, data, equipment is marked “Made In USA” and is aimed at equipment marked “сделано в Российской Федерации” (Made In Russian Federation”) that is a conflict between the United States and Russian Federation.  And, equipment manufactured by other NATO members have also been delivered to Ukraine.  Sum it up…. NATO is at war with the Russian Federation. 

An argument could be made that NATO and the United States are providing a “one arm tied behind its back” contest with the Russian Federation.  NATO and the United States are represented on battlefields by Ukrainians (and other unnamed nationalities) using equipment provided to them- even though NATO and the United States continue to withhold some technologically advanced weaponry for concern that it could become in the care of the Russian Federation.  However, the armed forces of the Russian Federation are representing themselves on battlefields using equipment developed for them, manufactured by them, and for which they have been trained; as such they should have homefield advantage.  Thus far, with a stress upon thus far, the Russian Federation has used mightily its power to deliver infrastructure devastation and cause death.


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