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Netanyahu In World’s Most Appalling Display Of Chutzpah. World’s Biggest Cojones. Defining Disgusting. OPM For Gaza Reconstruction- Does He Want Commission (Schmear) Too. 

World’s Most Appalling Display Of Chutzpah

World’s Biggest Cojones

Defining Disgusting 

Benjamin Netanyahu, Prime Minister Of The State Of Israel, Made It Official- Other People’s Money (OPM) Responsible For Reconstruction Of Gaza. 

Not Only Does He Want Others To Pay For What He Ordered Destroyed, He Wants Authority To Select Them!  Will Probably Seek A Commission Too. 

Will The Biden-Harris Administration Now Confirm The Government Of The State Of Israel, And No Other Party- Particularly United States Taxpayers, Should Pay Anything. 

Muslim-Led Governments Must No Longer Equivocate As To Their Interest In Funding The Reconstruction Of Gaza.  There Must Be No Funding Until After The Government Of The State Of Israel Uses Its US$180 Billion In Foreign Reserves To Reconstruct What The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) Destroyed. 

The Government Of The State Of Israel Has During Nearing Five Months Instructed The IDF To Systematically, Deliberately, Methodically, And With A Perverse Degree Of Glee, Destroy And Damage Nearing 80% Of Structures And Infrastructure In Gaza Where Approximately 2.3 Million Men, Women, And Children Reside.  

From Axios (23 February 2024)- excerpts 

“Reconstruction: The document stresses that the reconstruction of the Gaza Strip will only be possible after the completion of the demilitarization process and the beginning of the de-radicalization process — a position Netanyahu hadn't expressed publicly before.  "[T]he reconstruction plans will be carried out with the financing and leadership of countries acceptable to Israel," the document states. 

Reality check: No country so far has agreed to finance the reconstruction of Gaza and many countries said they won't do it without a clear political horizon for the Palestinians.  Netanyahu appears to allude to the involvement of Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates in the reconstruction and de-radicalization efforts. But the two Gulf countries have made it clear publicly and in private messages to Netanyahu that they would not be involved in any "day after" plan in Gaza if it doesn't include a path for a Palestinian state. 

IDF presence and Gaza's borders: According to the plan, the Israel Defense Forces will indefinitely maintain freedom of operation across the entire Gaza Strip — a position Netanyahu has voiced in the past.  Israel will create a "security zone" within Gaza's territory bordering Israel "for as long as there is a security need for it," the plan states.  Israel will also control the border between the Gaza Strip and Egypt, operating there "as much as possible in cooperation with Egypt and with the assistance of the U.S." to prevent smuggling from the Egyptian side of the border, including through the Rafah crossing. 

Governance: The document doesn't clearly state who Netanyahu envisions governing Gaza after the war, but says "local elements with management experience" will be responsible for civilian management and public order in Gaza.  These elements "will not be identified with countries or entities that support terrorism and will not receive payment from them," the document states.” 

Link To Complete Analysis In PDF Format

Links To Related Analyses 

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1/5/24- Israel’s Day-After Gaza Plan Is Compilation Of Garfield, Gekko, Felt, And Yiddish. “Other People’s Money” “Greed Is Good” “Follow The Money” “Chutzpah” And Gazans Are On Vacation, Not Displaced  

12/31/23- Questions About Gaza Reconstruction Submitted To Office Of The Prime Minister, Ministry Of Defense, And Ministry Of Foreign Affairs In Israel. Only MFA Responded, But Does Not Want To Discuss It.  

12/15/23- The White House Believes It “honest brokers of this process here” Regarding “prospect of a Gaza” Do Muslim-Led Nations Think The Same Given U.S. Support Thus Far For Israel’s Destruction Of Gaza?  

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11/13/23- Shocked! Biden Administration Refrains Saying Israel Should Pay For Gaza Destruction. “[C]onversations with partners in the region about that very question” But Not Naming Israel And Its $200 Billion.  

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Gali TibbonAFP