Biden-Harris Administration has shared that the United States and EU will need to lead the rebuilding of Ukraine.  No, there are two parties responsible for the rebuilding of Ukraine.

Thus far in 2022, the Biden-Harris Administration (2021- ) and the United States Congress have committed more than US$30 billion in publicly-announced and covert defensive, offensive, and humanitarian assistant to Ukraine. Other countries have delivered and promised billions more. 

When the Russian Federation ceases its attacks against Ukraine, will President Biden seek reparations (reimbursement) from the Russian Federation for the funds spent by United States taxpayers?  Standing in line for a share of the US$340 billion in Central Bank of the Russian Federation funds frozen outside of the Russian Federation.

Officials in the Biden-Harris Administration have shared that the United States and twenty-seven member European Union (EU) will need to lead the rebuilding of Ukraine. 

No, there are two parties responsible for the rebuilding of Ukraine- the Russian Federation who will pay for the damage inflicted upon it and the Ukrainian people and Ukrainian companies who will do the work.  Countries bordering Ukraine, particularly Poland, will also have a meaningful role.

The government of Ukraine has reported the value of infrastructure devastation from the attacks from the Russian Federation exceeds US$500 billion.  The Central Bank of the Russian Federation assets located outside of the country are estimated to be approximately US$340 billion.   According to Bloomberg News (19 April 2022), prior to 24 February 2022, Central Bank of the Russian Federation currency reserves were primarily in U.S. Dollars (11%), Euros (33%+), British Pounds, and Japanese Yen, along with gold bullion.  Today, the reserves consist primarily of Chinese Yuan and gold bullion.

There will be claims against those assets by the governments of Ukraine, Poland, Slovakia, Romania, Hungary, and Moldova, along with individuals and companies.  Likely there will be efforts to add an reparation recovery tax to certain exports from the Russian Federation as a means to provide compensation funds.  The government of the Russian Federation will vigorously oppose this prospect.

Previously, estimates of foreign reserves, now inaccessible, of the Russian Federation held outside of the Russian Federation is approximately US$340 billion of the reported approximately US$625 billion in total foreign reserves.  The then estimated (more of a guestimate) cost to repair and replace infrastructure damage in Ukraine was U$105 billion- that was a rate of more than US$3 billion PER DAY since 24 February 2022. 

This number will increase daily.  This means more funds available for Ukraine reconstruction and compensation to countries with borders on Ukraine (Poland, Hungary, Slovakia, Romania, and Moldova).  The Russian Federation position will be these funds must be returned and not doing so is a theft.  Ukraine and other counties win this tussle.


Say “auf Wiedersehen” and all is forgiven? What if President Putin says “до свидания” to President Volodymyr Zelensky? In Russian, that means “until we meet again.”


Visiting Belarus Since 24 February 2022 Comes With Surprises… And Questions.