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What Russian Oligarchs May Need To Do To Keep What They Have

What the “oligarchs” of Russian descent may need to say and do to be removed from sanctions programs initiated by governments: 

  • Relinquish citizenship in countries other than the Russian Federation.  A challenge for those with citizenship in the State of Israel which constitutionally guarantees citizenship for individuals with Jewish heritage.   

  • Publicly denounce Vladimir Putin, President of the Russian Federation, the government of the Russian Federation, and the actions of the Russian Federation towards Ukraine. 

  • Provide a data base as assets outside of the Russian Federation- location, value, and documentation to hasten their surrender. 

  • Donate proceeds from the sale of non-Russian Federation-located assets to a reparation fund for damages inflicted by the Russian Federation upon Ukraine.  

Each of these three conditions could result in the individuals being unwelcome in the Russian Federation and might result in civil and criminal issues for them and for their commercial interests in the Russian Federation.  They may live in spender within the confines of the Russian Federation and other friendly countries/nations/states or live outside of the Russian Federation and other friendly countries/nations/states with substantial resources dedicated to maintaining the safety of themselves and their families. 

The process used thus far by governments to seize assets of individuals of Russian descent remains in question.  There has been no global due process, no court hearings.  The baseline has been- these people know President Putin, President Putin knows these people, they are rich- really really rich, they became rich (or more rich) during the two-plus decades Vladimir Putin has been head of state or head of government, and they are Russian, Russian, Russian.  

These individuals will be wagering that once the Russian Federation ceases its war with Ukraine, that the global collective memory will quickly fade or become focused upon the next catastrophe.  Then, they will use attorneys, consultants, politicians, governments, organizations, and generous contributions to all as a means to resolve financial issues impacting their lifestyles.  They will probably be successful.  Watch how the State of Israel handles issues relating to oligarchs- it will protect them, and how the Biden-Harris Administration (2021- ) responds to the State of Israel…. Influencing mid-term United States Congressional elections.