A Compelling BBC Interview With Arnold Schwarzenegger: The phrase “climate change” versus the word “pollution” as means to changing behavior behavior.

Whatever one may think about Mr. Arnold Schwarzenegger, a two-term governor of the state of California; one of most successful actors, in terms of motion picture revenues; and the most successful body builder, in terms of awards and visibility, he is a master of marketing, messaging, and [self-] promotion. 

In his interview last week with the BBC, the discussion was about messaging: The phrase “climate change” versus the word “pollution” as means to changing behavior by individuals, companies, and governments.   

He provides a compelling argument. 

Parents might benefit from viewing the interview with their children and then discussing it.   

London, United Kingdom
28 October 2021

“Arnold Schwarzenegger: Let's terminate pollution 

Terminator star and former California governor Arnold Schwarzenegger sits down with Tom Heap to discuss his journey to becoming an environmental activist, why climate regulation boosts the economy and how we need a rethink on pollution.” 

3-Minute Segment: https://www.bbc.com/news/av/science-environment-59053810 

30-Minute Complete Interview: https://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/m0011b03


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