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In Istanbul, Restaurant Customers Provided Three Suggested Levels For Tipping… Refreshing. A Fourth Level Might Be Useful Too.

July 2022: A receipt from a restaurant located in Istanbul, Turkiye. 

In the United States, a customer not providing a gratuity of 20% might likely be asked by the server or a manager prior to departing a restaurant whether there was a problem with the service provided.  

At this restaurant in Turkiye, there remains for the customer a suggested range for well-earned, great, and phenomenal… 

Publicizing the three categories also is beneficial to servers at the restaurant- they too are aware of a suggested range, although the differentials from the first to the third is not substantial. 

With inflation impacting severely all citizens of the Republic of Turkiye and United States nationals conditioned for a gratuity of 20%, servers at restaurants in Istanbul will be needing a fourth category for a suggested gratuity. 

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