Must See TV This Week: Ukraine To Figure Prominently At Budget Hearings For U.S. Department Of State And U.S. Department Of Defense.  Biden-Harris Administration Seeks US$8.922 Billion For 2024.

Must See TV This Week For Those Interested In Ukraine

Ukraine Will Figure Prominently At Budget Hearings For Department Of State And Department Of Defense. 

Biden-Harris Administration Seeking US$8.922 Billion For 2024 Fiscal Year Federal Budget.  United States Congress Appropriated US$113 Billion In 2022- Some Not Yet Allocated In 2023.

22 March 2023

United States Secretary of State Antony Blinken testifies in the morning before the United States Senate Committee on Appropriations and then in the afternoon before the United States Senate Committee on Foreign Relations.

23 March 2023

United States Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff of the United States Department of Defense General Mark Milley testify before the House of Representatives Committee on Appropriations.

United States Secretary of State Antony Blinken testifies before the United States House of Representatives Foreign Affairs Committee.

In 2022, the 117th United States Congress appropriated US$113 billion for Ukraine with those funds to be disbursed from 2022 through 2026 (or earlier as ordered equipment becomes available for delivery).  The 117th United States Congress (House of Representatives and Senate) were controlled by the Democratic Party.  The 118th United States Congress has a House of Representatives controlled by the Republican Party.

3/10/23- Biden 2024 Budget Proposal Implies Substantial Resources For Ukraine Not Required Beyond 2023.  $113 Billion In 2022 (Some Not Yet Spent).  $8.922 Billion For 2024? McCarthy Strategy?

The White House proposes to spend US$842 billion in Fiscal Year 2024 for the United States Department of Defense (DOD) representing an increase of 3.2% from Fiscal Year 2023.  The budget proposal includes funding for Ukraine- although not specifying whether the proposed funding is military-related or economic-related. 

  • “Supports Ukraine, European Allies, and Partners. The Budget provides over $6 billion to support Ukraine, the United States’ strong alliance with the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), and other European partner states by prioritizing funding to enhance the capabilities and readiness of United States, allied, and partner forces in the face of continued Russian aggression.”

  • “In addition, the Budget requests $753 million for Ukraine to continue to counter Russian malign influence and to meet emerging needs related to security, energy, cybersecurity, disinformation, macroeconomic stabilization, and civil society resilience.”

  • “To assist Ukraine and manage the aftershocks of Putin’s invasion, the request includes 469 million to bolster the economy and ensure the continuity of government services, strengthen their energy infrastructure and cyber security, and ultimately promote the resilience of the Ukrainian people.”

  • “This request includes $1.7 billion that will help Ukraine win the war and lay the reform and recovery foundation for winning the peace and help other partners impacted by the war stabilize their economies and prepare for recovery.” 


LINKS To Related Analyses 

3/15/23- How Many Of Thirteen Candidates (Announced/ Potential- Likely More) For The Republican Party 2024 Presidential Nomination Will Visit Kyiv, Ukraine? The First Expected In April 2023.  

3/13/23- 4.2% Of United States Congress Has Visited Ukraine- Sixteen Democrats, Sixteen Republicans, One Independent. 4.5% Of 435-Member House Of Representatives. 13% Of 100-Member United States Senate.

3/12/23- President Zelensky: Let Go Of Visit By Speaker. Don’t Be Like Dog With Bone- Contest Of Wills. Pressure Will Backfire. Ukraine’s Gravitational Vortex? Only 4.2% Of U.S. Congress Visited

3/10/23- Biden 2024 Budget Proposal Implies Substantial Resources For Ukraine Not Required Beyond 2023.  $113 Billion In 2022 (Some Not Yet Spent).  $8.922 Billion For 2024? McCarthy Strategy?


Biden-Harris Administration Directs U.S. Taxpayers To Borrow Another US$680 Million, Plus Interest, For Ukraine.  Indirectly, But Adds To Annual Deficit, National Debt. Billions More To Come…


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